jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Experience Rafaelista 2019.

Good Memories...

12 comentarios:


    Miss: BARRERA

  2. La pascua es una celebración que vivimos en familia, es la resurrección, en este caso la vivimos con las experiencias Rafaelistas, gracias al teacher por qué con el aprendemos el verdadero significado de estas fechas tan importantes y significativas, es alegre compartir con compañeros como familia


  3. I like how we can learn a little more about the festivities that we can go on spreading

    Mr. Gavela

  4. It demonstrates the commitment and dedication that each student puts to him and the excellent teamwork that is done.

    Miss. Quiñonez

  5. This little time I have been with the teacher, I like the way he is interested because we learn, this time I have also seen my progress thanks to the

  6. First of all thanks to the teacher for being the one who has all these activities and God bless him to continue to have great ideas like this, also thank God that we can live Easter with our classmates, friends and family.
    Mr. Soto

  7. The rafaelista interest that looks for of new teaching methods for the benefit of the students is demonstrated.

    Miss. Gómez

  8. El reflejo de que siempre se puede ser mejor, y que hay mucho talento para explotar


  9. I was 7 years old when I started this journey of getting myself immerse in a whole new different world. I started with the things I liked the most, music and movies. Getting into a different language is not only being able to communicate with others, it's also learn about culture, literature, geography among other things. So, there was me, a 7 year old trying to find a Colombian TV channel that could give me what I was looking for and i found it; Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, the Backstreet boys and N'sync became my afternoon companions, you might not know who they even are but hey we're talking about the nineties here these were the pioneers of pop culture, they paved the road so that Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Halsey could walk.
    Well let's not lose focus, these people and a bunch of others made me love this awesome language. Everytime I had an opportunity I would put out a whole performance for my family and friends.
    Years passed and I found myself in 11th grade thinking about my future and asking myself: What the heck am I going to do with life? I took too many aptitude tests that always pointed out the obvious, either go on the drama/music path or education field. I always loved the teacher role as a kid when playing and I knew there was a good opportunity to do it professionally so when I found out that there was an option that involved languages, it became clear to me.
    I was enrolled, ready to eat the world, I tried my hardest while studying and
    I must say I was pretty good. I had amazing teachers that gave me great tools to get better in this whole learning process. I participated in every single English music festival there was. The first one being in my first semester which I won. What a bust of confidence for a "primípara".
    Life happens and sometimes plans don't go the way you want them to and although it took me a long time to get my diploma I finally did and before I even got to the ceremony I already had planned my next move.
    You see, my dream forever was to be able to come to the United states of America and live here. I found a program that allowed me to study and work at the same time, the Au Pair program. I stayed with a family for 2 years while in the program and I learned a lot about myself. I grew as a person, I met unbelievably great people and I made friends for life. Being away of your family it's hard, really hard. I remember days I just wanted to leave everything behind and go back home but I learn to talk myself out of those thoughts. I had a goal and so many dreams to fulfill still. I'm currently living in New York, an amazing city that has given me so many good memories. I've attended to events, movie screenings and red carpets that my celebrity quota is almost fulfill. I work hard and I keep learning different things. I wrote this not so short story to encourage you to go after your dreams. Always aim higher, plan and bit by bit you'll get wherever you want to be.
    PS: Learn all you can from Teacher Rodrigo, he can be tough but I'm glad that I have him in my life. He is my colleague, my mentor and my friend. God bless you all.
    Dayana Sanchez.

  10. Me encanta la evolucion tan grande que hemos demostrado gracias
    Mr beltran

  11. Gracias por hacernos evolucionar y abrir los ojos.
    Mr cepeda

  12. I think it is an excellent activity made by referring to Easter Day many congratulations are all goood.
    mr:cesar tirado
