martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020



It does not matter who you are or where you are from, 2020 has been a Year which non of us will forget. It forced us to stop, look around, breathe,yet we needed keep moving forward without knowing which path was the right one for us to take. We moved,  because we knew life goes on, we could not just stop living. 

Our lives changed dramatically and “reinvent” has born as an answer to those which we never expect for as a human beings. Maybe, a nightmare would be comparable to what we are now living. Eventhough, these changes did not just started happening yesterday,  we still feel like it's a dream.  Yet, we find ourselves awake with all our senses in full alert. On the other hand, we are fully aware that we cannot not give up and I am not saying this because it a way to encourage you to follow your dreams and make them true. I say this because our lives are based on ups and downs with joy, laughter and tears. We must remember it is a beautiful world.  So smile, keep connected to God’s greatness. Take it with you and keep working on your future plans.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020



2020 has been a Year Which has brought new Challenges a new term to use anytime and anywhere: “Reinvent”. It’s the reason We thought as a Rafaelistas spread this message to all our classmates Who are gone away. We want them to come back and achieve our goals together: “It’s good to have you back in Class”. It's a nice way to remember we are a Family no matter what and as this common saying says: In unity There is strenght.